19th November to the 23rd November
This would be our last trip away this year, as York is our favorite place to be, that is where we were going. Our next trip booked for next year is again to York but that is not until the usual March trip for our birthdays.
Monday 19th November
The drive down was very reasonable and we arrived with lots of other vans and caravans but it didn't take long to get checked in. We chose the first plot we came too, it's not worth messing about. Got set up and had the sandwitches Dot had got in the garage on the way here.
Then it was a walk to the train station to pick up our train tickets for our trip out to Leeds tomorrow. When we got the tickets I had ordered from the machine, we discovered I had got early tickets, 09:16, so we would have to be up early in the morning.
From the station, we popped over the road into The Maltings pub, where Dot had a Leffe and I tried a local beer. But it was still early, so next we went for a look around the shops.
After that we went for food and popped into Kennedys Bar, were it was buy one get one free (on most things). We ordered steak pie with chips and peas, only there was no crusts for the pies so we had a bowl of meat, a bowl chips and a bowl of peas. The whole thing was strange, we didn't get anything off the price and the beer was not that good either.
So we moved on to the House Of The Trembling Madness, went upstairs and got a seat in the very small room. Dot had a Wheat Beer and I tried the 6.0% Wander Beyond Brewing, Great Rift Milk Stout and it was nice.
Next we moved on to the tent bar in the middle of Parliament Street at the end of the Christmas Market. Thor's Bar as it was called was nice inside and warm but the choice of beer was very poor.
Then it was back to the van, we had to be up early in the morning, my mistake.
Tuesday 20th November
Got up early, went to the shower and got ready to go, actually got the the train station with about half an hour to spare. Sat waiting for the train we had a chocolate biscuit each, we would have breakfast properly once we got to Leeds.
When we got there it was raining but we wandered around the shops popping in and out of the different arcades to keep dry. Eventually we made for The Cuthbert Brodrick, one of the spoons pubs, in time to get a breakfast in there. However we only had orange juice with it though, the beers could wait until later. So we carried on with our shopping but both of us became tire and packed in.
We went to an old pub Whitelock's Ale House, down a very narrow back street, were we got an Ilkley, Gregory Porter, for me and a small wheat beer for Dot. In fact we had two beers in there, the one I had was a Kelham Island, Easy Rider, Dot again had the wheat beer.
From there we popped into a Samuel Smiths pub, The General Elliot, this was a mistake, what a grotty little pub. We did however have a very good beer but the place was horrible. So we moved on and found an empty pub, Mook, there was nothing special about the place or beers but it was far better that the last place.
Then it was back to the train station and the Wetherspoons in there, Dot said it was too late to get a pint but a half would do. I got a pint of Butcombe, Chris Moose but had to drink it fast, very fast.
We got the the platform just as the train pulled up and got on just at the right place for our seats, which were booked. The other thing was it was an express train and went straight to York. The train tickets cost £3.00 each to Leeds and £4.50 each coming back to York.
We had not had our tea/supper in Leeds, so we popped into the chippy just outside the site for fish and chips to take back to the van.
Wednesday 21st November
I had a sleep in to make up for getting up early yesterday. We had a quiet time in the van and just had soup for dinner, it was raining outside anyway. So it was late afternoon by the time we ventured out into town.
As we went out late we didn't do much shopping and ended up popping into Kennedys Bar again, I know the food was not right last time but it was nice. But the burgers were half price today and that is what we wanted, so we went back. With my burger I had Titanic, Plum Porter, to drink, I am drinking more Porter/Stout as most new beers are just hoppy lagers.
Next we moved on to Pivní York, were Dot had another Wheat Beer and I had Atom, Dark Matter, yet another dark beer. The toilets in there are two floors up though, not good at all.
We then moved on to The Kings Arms, had not been for a while, it was full when we got there. That soon changed though when the ghost walk started and there was loads of room then. We moved over close to the fire and had another beer.
We also had another beer each when we got back to the van, a Grimbergen Blond that we had brought with us, gorgeous.
Thursday 22nd November
Today was a day we needed to do shopping, so we did, we got quite a lot but by five, I was worn out. So we went to a pub, for a sit down if nothing else. We walked down the market stalls again, thought about the tent but settled on The Pavement Vaults.
In The Pavement Vaults, Dot had a wheat beer again that's one reason we went in there, and I had a Vocation, Life & Death, not too bad.
We then moved on to have some tea, we were going to get a pizza but did not find the pub we wanted but found another christmas market, so we had a walk around there. After that we just made for Spoons, we were nearly there anyway. Got three drinks in there, the cider was two bottles for £5.00 and I got another stout, The Tapped Brew, Dry English Stout, another not bad one.
When we got sat down, we discussed ordering our food using the phone and started to set it up to work but found we had already done it. So we ordered using the phone, Dot ordered the leg of lamb and me the beef curry with onion bhajis and we also got a white wine and another beer. The drinks arrived almost immediately and the food was not much longer. I even ordered another drink later while Dot had her wine. This all worked much quicker than having to walk over to the bar, que up, order, pay, and wait for drinks, then walk back to your seat.
Friday 23rd November
We were going to go the the designer outlet for more shopping but my heart had not been right during the night. So we just got ready and drove home, again the roads were not that busy.
Sunday, 25 November 2018
Sunday, 4 November 2018
Trip to Wales (part two), September 2018
28th August to the 8th September
Today we are off to Wales for the second part of this trip away, to meet up with the others, Nicole, Tim, Georgia and Emily, in Tenby. They had an apartment there and we were on the Haven Holiday Park campsite, ferly close to them.
Saturday 1st September
The drive from Bath again wasn't too bad, A48, M4 West, across the new Seven bridge, A48 (again), A40, A477 then A478 to Tenby.
Through Tenby we found the Haven site, got booked in, parked up and got set up even got an aerial connection for the TV.
The Holiday Park is just behind the train, anyway after we booked in and set up, we got a BBQ ready for the others, who weren't allowed into the apartment until latter. Only they were allowed in early but still walked around to see us and have food.
After that we walked round to Nicole's place, we had bags that we had brought for them and it was quite a long way but not too far.
Their place on the beach was really fantastic, I will put photos on later.
Tim was very tired, he had been on nights and come straight there, so that night we had a very quiet time.
Sunday 2nd September
After lunch we walk over to Nicole's place following the railway and then setoff up the hill into town. At the top we walked along the front to a gate in the old walls to get into the old town.
We had a good walk around the bay and then headed up into the shops for a while. I found the local brewery on our walk and headed back that way to see what they had. The brewery was down an alley between shops and the beer was for sale up metal stairs Me, Dot and Emily wandered up while the others with Syd (the Dog) headed off shopping.
After the beer, a Tenby Harbour, RFA Sir Galahad not bad, Emily phone the others and we met up again, before wandering back down to their apartment.
Monday 3rd September
Today we walked to Nicole's place a different way, we left from the side of the site and crossed the railway further in town. I think it was longer but we did pass another brewery and I had a look around and bought a couple of bottles from them. I also said that I would call back for more another day before we went home. Well I didn't, the two bottles I got were foul when I had them, hope they improve as I like this sort of endeavor.
Today there was an ice cream van on the beach, if it was there yesterday I didn't see it. We walked back up into town again today and had a good wander around.
From up on top of the town I took some long photos looking down towards the lifeboat station.
We then walked down to the bay and around the hillock towards the lifeboat station, well the younger ones did, Me and Dot stayed up high but followed them.
From there we visited the lifeboat station, not been close to a modern lifeboat and it was very impressive. Next to the lifeboat station was the old one now a house I believe. After that we continued round the coast and back into the town.
Popped into the Buccaneer (the pub connected to the small brewery we found) for a Tenby Harbour, North Star, another good beer, still more to go though.
Back at nicole's I had the beers I bought this morning, luckily I had bought more in town and that would take the taste away, although I did drink them.
Tuesday 4th September
Nicole phoned this morning to say that were out for a walk along the beach passed us and as Dot was going for a shower I wandered over to see them. From the bridge over the railway I walked across the golf course to the beach. They had gone passed were I got onto the beach but I walked after them and met them on the way back.
When they went back to their apartment, I walked back to our van to meet up with Dot, but stopped on the bridge to take photos of the train.
After lunch we headed to their apartment but we went via the beach, the way I went earlier.
We just spent the rest of the day sat in the sun outside Nicole's place.
Wednesday 5th September
As yesterday Nicole and Tim were going for a walk with Syd, only they phoned us first and we met up with them at the railway bridge. Then we followed the railway away from their apartment, until the path took us inland and into Penally. It was still early, before ten so the girls weren't with us, probably still in bed.
In Penally at the station we headed back towards the coast, passed the rifle range and uphill to the sea. There were some fantastic views from up there to the left, to the right and out to sea.
From there we made our way down onto the beach, which wasn't easy but we found our way down eventually. The long walk back to the apartment was very nice though, throwing the frisbee for Syd and plodging in the sea along the way.
Back at the apartment I said that I would buy lunch for everyone, so when they were all ready we set off up the hill into town.
After a bit of a walk around, we settled out the back of the Buccaneer again and ordered beers and food. In fact I had a couple of Tenby Brewery beers, a Sea Horse and a MV Enterprise both ferly good beers. There was only Syd that didn't get anything but at least he was allowed in.
After our lunch and beers we went for another walk down to castle beach near St Catherine's Island and Fort.
Back at the apartment the girls, Tim and Syd, went out to have fun on the beach and in the sea with their boogie boards. Me and Dot just stayed at the apartment and had drinks.
Thursday 6th September
Nicole and the others went out for the day, so we just got ready to leave tomorrow, we also watched TV for a while. But later when they got back they game round to pick us up, only Me, Tim and Syd walked down to their place. There we just had a quiet night in and watched TV and the nice sunset.
Friday 7th September
Today we were off, so we finished packing, phoned the others to say we were going and left. By the way, we could only stay for six night according to the site, as we left it was nearly empty.
Instead of heading straight home we were stopping at Warwick Racecourse Caravan Club Site about half way home for the night.
We got booked in there and wandered into town about two fifteen and went straight to the shops, had a good look around but needed food. So we went into the Tilted Wig (we could have chosen the Spoons a few doors away but last time we were there it wasn't very good or at least the staff weren't), to ask if they had food on. They did so we sat down and had, Chicken, Sun Dried Tomato and Mozzarella along with chips, onion rings and slaw, very nice.
We had a couple of beers in there before we left, then Dot wandered back to a shop to get a dress she had seen, only the shop had closed. So we walked back towards the site and called into The Old Post Office for another beer.
We only had the one in there though, then wandered the rest of the way back to the van.
Saturday 8th September
Dot still wanted the dress she had seen yesterday, so before we left, we walked back up into town and got it. Then it was back to the site and away.
Surprisingly the drive home was pretty uneventful.
Today we are off to Wales for the second part of this trip away, to meet up with the others, Nicole, Tim, Georgia and Emily, in Tenby. They had an apartment there and we were on the Haven Holiday Park campsite, ferly close to them.
Saturday 1st September
The drive from Bath again wasn't too bad, A48, M4 West, across the new Seven bridge, A48 (again), A40, A477 then A478 to Tenby.
Through Tenby we found the Haven site, got booked in, parked up and got set up even got an aerial connection for the TV.
Kiln Park Holiday Centre
Tenby Wales
Tenby Wales
The Holiday Park is just behind the train, anyway after we booked in and set up, we got a BBQ ready for the others, who weren't allowed into the apartment until latter. Only they were allowed in early but still walked around to see us and have food.
After that we walked round to Nicole's place, we had bags that we had brought for them and it was quite a long way but not too far.
Their place on the beach was really fantastic, I will put photos on later.
Tim was very tired, he had been on nights and come straight there, so that night we had a very quiet time.
Sunday 2nd September
After lunch we walk over to Nicole's place following the railway and then setoff up the hill into town. At the top we walked along the front to a gate in the old walls to get into the old town.
We had a good walk around the bay and then headed up into the shops for a while. I found the local brewery on our walk and headed back that way to see what they had. The brewery was down an alley between shops and the beer was for sale up metal stairs Me, Dot and Emily wandered up while the others with Syd (the Dog) headed off shopping.
After the beer, a Tenby Harbour, RFA Sir Galahad not bad, Emily phone the others and we met up again, before wandering back down to their apartment.
Monday 3rd September
Today we walked to Nicole's place a different way, we left from the side of the site and crossed the railway further in town. I think it was longer but we did pass another brewery and I had a look around and bought a couple of bottles from them. I also said that I would call back for more another day before we went home. Well I didn't, the two bottles I got were foul when I had them, hope they improve as I like this sort of endeavor.
Today there was an ice cream van on the beach, if it was there yesterday I didn't see it. We walked back up into town again today and had a good wander around.
From up on top of the town I took some long photos looking down towards the lifeboat station.
We then walked down to the bay and around the hillock towards the lifeboat station, well the younger ones did, Me and Dot stayed up high but followed them.
From there we visited the lifeboat station, not been close to a modern lifeboat and it was very impressive. Next to the lifeboat station was the old one now a house I believe. After that we continued round the coast and back into the town.
Popped into the Buccaneer (the pub connected to the small brewery we found) for a Tenby Harbour, North Star, another good beer, still more to go though.
Back at nicole's I had the beers I bought this morning, luckily I had bought more in town and that would take the taste away, although I did drink them.
Tuesday 4th September
Nicole phoned this morning to say that were out for a walk along the beach passed us and as Dot was going for a shower I wandered over to see them. From the bridge over the railway I walked across the golf course to the beach. They had gone passed were I got onto the beach but I walked after them and met them on the way back.
When they went back to their apartment, I walked back to our van to meet up with Dot, but stopped on the bridge to take photos of the train.
After lunch we headed to their apartment but we went via the beach, the way I went earlier.
We just spent the rest of the day sat in the sun outside Nicole's place.
Wednesday 5th September
As yesterday Nicole and Tim were going for a walk with Syd, only they phoned us first and we met up with them at the railway bridge. Then we followed the railway away from their apartment, until the path took us inland and into Penally. It was still early, before ten so the girls weren't with us, probably still in bed.
In Penally at the station we headed back towards the coast, passed the rifle range and uphill to the sea. There were some fantastic views from up there to the left, to the right and out to sea.
From there we made our way down onto the beach, which wasn't easy but we found our way down eventually. The long walk back to the apartment was very nice though, throwing the frisbee for Syd and plodging in the sea along the way.
Back at the apartment I said that I would buy lunch for everyone, so when they were all ready we set off up the hill into town.
After a bit of a walk around, we settled out the back of the Buccaneer again and ordered beers and food. In fact I had a couple of Tenby Brewery beers, a Sea Horse and a MV Enterprise both ferly good beers. There was only Syd that didn't get anything but at least he was allowed in.
After our lunch and beers we went for another walk down to castle beach near St Catherine's Island and Fort.
Back at the apartment the girls, Tim and Syd, went out to have fun on the beach and in the sea with their boogie boards. Me and Dot just stayed at the apartment and had drinks.
Thursday 6th September
Nicole and the others went out for the day, so we just got ready to leave tomorrow, we also watched TV for a while. But later when they got back they game round to pick us up, only Me, Tim and Syd walked down to their place. There we just had a quiet night in and watched TV and the nice sunset.
Friday 7th September
Today we were off, so we finished packing, phoned the others to say we were going and left. By the way, we could only stay for six night according to the site, as we left it was nearly empty.
Instead of heading straight home we were stopping at Warwick Racecourse Caravan Club Site about half way home for the night.
We got booked in there and wandered into town about two fifteen and went straight to the shops, had a good look around but needed food. So we went into the Tilted Wig (we could have chosen the Spoons a few doors away but last time we were there it wasn't very good or at least the staff weren't), to ask if they had food on. They did so we sat down and had, Chicken, Sun Dried Tomato and Mozzarella along with chips, onion rings and slaw, very nice.
We had a couple of beers in there before we left, then Dot wandered back to a shop to get a dress she had seen, only the shop had closed. So we walked back towards the site and called into The Old Post Office for another beer.
We only had the one in there though, then wandered the rest of the way back to the van.
Saturday 8th September
Dot still wanted the dress she had seen yesterday, so before we left, we walked back up into town and got it. Then it was back to the site and away.
Surprisingly the drive home was pretty uneventful.
Friday, 2 November 2018
Trip to Wales (part one), September 2018
28th August to the 8th September
Three days after getting back from France (see the link) in the car, we set off in the van for Wales. Only it wasn't just a Wales visit, we were off to Broadway in Worcestershire for two days, Bath for two days, Tenby in Wales for six days and then Warwick for a day on the way back. In Wales we were meeting up with Nicole, Tim, Georgia and Emily, we should have been there for with them for seven days but the campsite would only let us book for six.
Tuesday 28th August
The drive down wasn't too bad, A19, A1, M18, M1, M69, A46, A439, B4632. Anyway we arrived at Broadway Caravan and Motorhome Site, before four and got a pitch up by the railway line.
We got set up watched a steam train in the station and then leave, then had a go at getting the TV on. The site arial link did not work, I reported it to reception, only to be told it was my lead TV lead, no checking just, it was my lead (well it wasn't my lead, it worked at the next three sites). Anyway we set off into Broadway for a pint and maybe some food.
In a very beautiful place as Broadway, we just wandered around looked in a few shops but it was closing time by now. So we popped into one of the pubs, the Horse and Hounds, had a beer and in the end had a nice meal in there.
We then moved on to the Swan Hotel on the way back and sat outside, I think we had a couple in there but not sure.
It was about half a mile back to the campsite and when we got there, I set up the ariel and got the TV working. The toilet plock up next to the railway is an old railway building and it is fantastic. In the toilet block is the first ever horse drawn leisure caravan, The Wanderer, conserved behind glass with the story of its travels on the walls.
Wednesday 29th August
Today as we were next to the railway, we were going to have a ride on it. We had already seen the first train of the day leaving and set off to go on the second one. The station is just outside the campsite on the other side of the road. Gloucestershire Warwickshire Steam Railway (GWSR), runs between Broadway and Cheltenham race course, about fourteen miles.
The train journey with stops took around three hours and it was about half three before we got back to the center at Broadway. This time we had time to look around the shops and even bought things, by around five though we were in a pub.
Not one of the pubs on the main street though, we popped into The Crown & Trumpet Inn, a pub we found when taking a photo of the Church and sat outside.
This pub had the best selection of beers in the town, that is of the four pubs we popped into. We had a couple of beers/ciders or maybe three and thought about getting food but in the end didn't. We eventually moved on to another pub the Broadway Hotel and again sat outside.
In the end we went into Warner's Budgens and got something for tea, I also got some beers in there.
Thursday 30th August
Today we moved on to Bath, we had this booked for ages, we missed it last year after an accident in the van but the booking was left open for us, as we had already paid.
We were not in a hurry so just took the first route the satnav came up with. I thought we were lost a couple of times but we got there before two.
Once parked up we set off into bath center, by walking along the river, only we could not get to the river until we had walked for quite some time. Anyway we got there and it was quite a long walk. I think there was another way out of the campsite that went straight onto the river.
The walk was even longer, as we walked on following the river round the center until we came to the famous Pulteney Bridge and weir.
We hung about there for a while and then spotted a tour bus and got on. The bus tour was quite good, and we found a lot of places to visit. There was also a second bus tour which we had paid for and could take tomorrow. So we would do that.
By the time we got off the bus we were really worn out and just made for the pub, we actually went to two or three pubs and had some good beers. We were in The Old Green Tree and had an Old Green Tree Ale, then in the Raven and had one of there beers a Ravon Ale. The last pub we went in was a Wetherspoons and we had food in there as well, also a Red Racer ISA not bad beer.
Outside the Spoons, we got a taxi back to the site as we were both well worn out.
Friday 31st August
Today we got the bus into the town center, it was a long walk yesterday and the site was just next to the park and ride, so we wandered over there. To get there we passed the The Boathouse, a nice looking pub on the river, anyway we had to come back this way.
In the center we got stuff for dinner and had it in the park by the river, this was a park that you had to pay to get in but it had the best views of Pulteney Bridge and the weir.
When we had done in the park we took our second bus ride, this one went out into the country a bit and was well worth it.
Back in town we had a walk to the other side of Pulteney Bridge and we were surprised to see how drab it was. Nothing at all like the side that everyone takes photos of.
From there we had a walk up to the famous terrace, the one from many films and TV programs and Royal Crescent is a pretty impressive sight. It was quite a walk though and when done we needed a sit down.
Back in the center again we had a quick look around the shops then made for a pub. The first one was Flan O'Briens, an Irish pub (I do not know why either), anyway we had a pint in there. We gave up a seat to a family that came in with a teenager that sat neer us, anyway I went to the toilet and when I came back they had gone. That was strange I said to Dot, they got thrown out was Dot reply, the teenager was not allowed in. We moved on.
The next place and we sat outside, I had a Stonehenge, Garrick's Head, named after the pub. Seemed to be a lot of this in Bath. It was nice in there and we had another, before going for the bus back.
Back at the park and ride, we went straight to the pub close by, The Boathouse and decided that we would have our tea in there. All of the outside tables were booked but if we were going in an hour we could sit there. The food and beer were very good in there. While we were there a series of hot air balloons started to come over, a bit of excitement with our tea.
Then it was the short walk back to the van and get ready for the drive to Wales.
Three days after getting back from France (see the link) in the car, we set off in the van for Wales. Only it wasn't just a Wales visit, we were off to Broadway in Worcestershire for two days, Bath for two days, Tenby in Wales for six days and then Warwick for a day on the way back. In Wales we were meeting up with Nicole, Tim, Georgia and Emily, we should have been there for with them for seven days but the campsite would only let us book for six.
Tuesday 28th August
The drive down wasn't too bad, A19, A1, M18, M1, M69, A46, A439, B4632. Anyway we arrived at Broadway Caravan and Motorhome Site, before four and got a pitch up by the railway line.
Broadway Caravan and Motorhome Site
We got set up watched a steam train in the station and then leave, then had a go at getting the TV on. The site arial link did not work, I reported it to reception, only to be told it was my lead TV lead, no checking just, it was my lead (well it wasn't my lead, it worked at the next three sites). Anyway we set off into Broadway for a pint and maybe some food.
In a very beautiful place as Broadway, we just wandered around looked in a few shops but it was closing time by now. So we popped into one of the pubs, the Horse and Hounds, had a beer and in the end had a nice meal in there.
We then moved on to the Swan Hotel on the way back and sat outside, I think we had a couple in there but not sure.
It was about half a mile back to the campsite and when we got there, I set up the ariel and got the TV working. The toilet plock up next to the railway is an old railway building and it is fantastic. In the toilet block is the first ever horse drawn leisure caravan, The Wanderer, conserved behind glass with the story of its travels on the walls.
Wednesday 29th August
Today as we were next to the railway, we were going to have a ride on it. We had already seen the first train of the day leaving and set off to go on the second one. The station is just outside the campsite on the other side of the road. Gloucestershire Warwickshire Steam Railway (GWSR), runs between Broadway and Cheltenham race course, about fourteen miles.
The train journey with stops took around three hours and it was about half three before we got back to the center at Broadway. This time we had time to look around the shops and even bought things, by around five though we were in a pub.
Not one of the pubs on the main street though, we popped into The Crown & Trumpet Inn, a pub we found when taking a photo of the Church and sat outside.
This pub had the best selection of beers in the town, that is of the four pubs we popped into. We had a couple of beers/ciders or maybe three and thought about getting food but in the end didn't. We eventually moved on to another pub the Broadway Hotel and again sat outside.
In the end we went into Warner's Budgens and got something for tea, I also got some beers in there.
Thursday 30th August
Today we moved on to Bath, we had this booked for ages, we missed it last year after an accident in the van but the booking was left open for us, as we had already paid.
We were not in a hurry so just took the first route the satnav came up with. I thought we were lost a couple of times but we got there before two.
Bath Marina and Caravan Park
Once parked up we set off into bath center, by walking along the river, only we could not get to the river until we had walked for quite some time. Anyway we got there and it was quite a long walk. I think there was another way out of the campsite that went straight onto the river.
The walk was even longer, as we walked on following the river round the center until we came to the famous Pulteney Bridge and weir.
We hung about there for a while and then spotted a tour bus and got on. The bus tour was quite good, and we found a lot of places to visit. There was also a second bus tour which we had paid for and could take tomorrow. So we would do that.
By the time we got off the bus we were really worn out and just made for the pub, we actually went to two or three pubs and had some good beers. We were in The Old Green Tree and had an Old Green Tree Ale, then in the Raven and had one of there beers a Ravon Ale. The last pub we went in was a Wetherspoons and we had food in there as well, also a Red Racer ISA not bad beer.
Outside the Spoons, we got a taxi back to the site as we were both well worn out.
Friday 31st August
Today we got the bus into the town center, it was a long walk yesterday and the site was just next to the park and ride, so we wandered over there. To get there we passed the The Boathouse, a nice looking pub on the river, anyway we had to come back this way.
In the center we got stuff for dinner and had it in the park by the river, this was a park that you had to pay to get in but it had the best views of Pulteney Bridge and the weir.
When we had done in the park we took our second bus ride, this one went out into the country a bit and was well worth it.
Back in town we had a walk to the other side of Pulteney Bridge and we were surprised to see how drab it was. Nothing at all like the side that everyone takes photos of.
From there we had a walk up to the famous terrace, the one from many films and TV programs and Royal Crescent is a pretty impressive sight. It was quite a walk though and when done we needed a sit down.
Back in the center again we had a quick look around the shops then made for a pub. The first one was Flan O'Briens, an Irish pub (I do not know why either), anyway we had a pint in there. We gave up a seat to a family that came in with a teenager that sat neer us, anyway I went to the toilet and when I came back they had gone. That was strange I said to Dot, they got thrown out was Dot reply, the teenager was not allowed in. We moved on.
The next place and we sat outside, I had a Stonehenge, Garrick's Head, named after the pub. Seemed to be a lot of this in Bath. It was nice in there and we had another, before going for the bus back.
Back at the park and ride, we went straight to the pub close by, The Boathouse and decided that we would have our tea in there. All of the outside tables were booked but if we were going in an hour we could sit there. The food and beer were very good in there. While we were there a series of hot air balloons started to come over, a bit of excitement with our tea.
Then it was the short walk back to the van and get ready for the drive to Wales.
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